Crowthorne Methodist Church

150 Years of Methodism in Crowthorne

Helping people to meet with God, rejoice in and express his love

10 Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, Berkshire. RG45 6LT

150 years ago, on the 15th April 1870 (which was a Good Friday), the first Methodist Church in Crowthorne was erected on the site where our present Church now stands.

Church Groups

We are a very active church with a number of

regular groups and various special events. 

For more information on regular groups please

see below. 

The calendar shows all regular and special events.

Prayer Groups

 Prayers are held in peoples’ homes, in church, or on Zoom. 

  • Contact Val Stephens 01344 761851

Bible Study & Fellowship Groups

Tuesday Prayer Group is held weekly at 8:30pm on Zoom

Thursday Bible Study provides informal bible study and discussion

  • Contact: Sharon Gardner 01344 774967

Men’s and Ladies Social Groups

Serendipity is a monthly Ladies Group meeting to look at a wide range of interesting topics

  • 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2 p.m. at a member’s home
  • Contact Dorothy Bell 01344 779637

Men’s Group is a monthly get together for an informal social chat or sometimes a more formal topic discussion or speaker.

  • Meeting monthly on a Wednesday evening at 8pm
  • Contact Andrew Mitchell 01344 773869

Coffee Mornings are hosted in the Church Reception Room every Tuesday after the Tuesday service.

  • Tea, coffee, home made cakes and biscuits are all available.
  • All proceeds go to Churches Together in Crowthorne, Christians from all the village churches working together in the community.
  • Contact Dorothy Bell 01344 779637

Copyright Crowthorne Methodist Church 2020